Rabu, 26 Agustus 2015

Dentists Recommend Dental Fillings and Sealants to Prevent Total Decay

You know you have tooth decay if one of your teeth looks like popcorn. The dark center that spreads outward from the groove is the most apparent sign. Not only will decay damage the look of your teeth, but it will also produce a bad smell that can send away anyone you try to talk to. Tooth decay in its severe stage also results in pain when the nerves of the infected tooth start to get irritated
A decayed tooth has to be extracted before it affects its adjacent teeth or worse yet leads to a periodontal disease when bacteria reach the gums. Dentists in Lehigh Valley, however, will refuse to extract a tooth in which decay is just on its early stage. They know this type of decay can still be prevented from spreading. Instead of extraction, they will recommend dental filling.

Dental Filling

A dental filling is a restorative material made of porcelain, gold, or amalgam placed on the area of a tooth damaged by decay to close off the cavity and prevent it from expanding. Your dentist will first remove the decayed portions of the teeth using a drill, air abrasion instrument, or laser before placing the dental filling. The area must be completely free from decay-causing bacteria to make the procedure completely successful.

Dental Sealant

If none of your teeth has decay but your dentist sees the risk of having one soon, you will be introduced to yet another helpful decay-preventing solution—dental sealant. Unlike dental filling, dental sealant is used to close off areas that will very likely harbor decay-causing bacteria. Teeth with deep grooves, particularly the molars, are the ones that need sealant to “seal out” bacteria.

Brushing and Flossing

There’s nothing more reassuring that no bacteria will come boring hole on your teeth than regular brushing and flossing in between meals or at least twice a day. Keeping the surface of your teeth free from sugar-containing foodstuff will prevent bacteria from multiplying in their millions. The fluoride in toothpastes also helps eliminate bacteria within a certain period. To support the effect of brushing, consider rinsing with mouthwash in between brushing.

Dental Visit

Visiting the dentist like one from Brookside Dental Care for dental checkup and cleaning is just as crucial as regular brushing and flossing. Because there are areas in the mouth that a toothbrush or floss cannot access, the likelihood of plaque buildup remains high. Only in-office cleaning can ensure that your teeth are completely free from bacteria and other source of serious diseases.(brooksidesmiles)

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