Rabu, 26 Agustus 2015

Dealing with the Pain: What Dentists Can Do about Your Toothaches

A toothache can be a troubling problem for Lehigh Valley residents. For many, it’s a minor irritation with a quick solution: just pop a few painkillers and go about your normal day. What most people don’t realize, however, is that toothaches serve as a signal that something is wrong with the health of their teeth. When the pain in a tooth keeps on going for two to three days without stopping, then it’s time to visit a local dental office like Brookside Dental Care.
Potential Toothache Causes

Teeth ache for a lot of different reasons. The main cause of many tooth aches is tooth decay, which occurs when the bacteria in your mouth feed on the remnants of food left behind on your teeth produce acid. Though your enamel is durable enough to fight that off in small doses, constant exposure will end up eating into the outer surface of your tooth. The toothaches start when the decay has managed to wear down the outer layer of your tooth; this exposes the sensitive nerves inside.

If tooth decay is left untreated, your tooth can become abscessed, a serious type of bacterial infection of the tooth. This infection eats away at the pulpy root of your tooth.  When this happens, it can spread the problem to the bones supporting the tooth and irritate the tooth’s nerve. This can be extremely painful.

Toothaches may also happen when your teeth sustain a fracture from an accident, even a minor one. All it takes is a small crack to expose the nerve inside for toothaches to begin. This can also happen when your fillings break and aren’t repaired immediately.

Another reason why you may be experiencing toothaches is because your gums have started to recede or have become infected. This results in the sensitive roots of your tooth being exposed.

What Dentists Can Do

Once your dentist has figured out what’s wrong, it’s time for treatment. If tooth decay is the problem, as it usually is, the dentist evaluates if the tooth can be saved. If it can’t, the only option would be a tooth extraction. If the damage isn’t so severe though, a dentist can clean the decay away and use filling to cover up the cavity. This is the same treatment for those who experience toothaches due to a broken filling. In the case of an abscessed tooth, you’ll need root canal treatment to save the tooth.

The next time you experience a toothache, it’s best to put down that bottle of painkillers and see a dentist. Regardless of the reason for your discomfort, experienced dentists have the knowledge and skill to treat the cause of the problem and provide long-term relief.(brooksidesmiles)

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